
Frequently Asked Questions

Here is a list of our Frequently Asked Questions. This list is always updated with the most common questions we are being asked.

Each contact will have a place for a cellphone number and email address. Landlines cannot receive text messages.

The system will automatically notify all of your emergency contacts at the same time.

The system will send out emails and SMS text messages the second it is activated.

We have researched people’s patterns. More people for example will look at an SMS text on their phone during dinner then answer their phone or check voice mail. It's always a good idea to have at least 3 contacts in the system.

Yes, absolutely. All personal information on our system utilize the highest security measures available today. We fully understand your privacy demands and take every precaution to ensure your peace of mind.

Your contacts will be notified who to call. Whether it be the first responder, the hospital or even your next door neighbor.

Your emergency contacts will determine if your medical information needs to be sent to emergency medical personnel such as EMS, paramedics, rescue responders, physicians and nurses. Nothing is sent automatically.

Replacement of lost ID items will be replaced for a nominal fee. Just place an order through your membership area.

Simply log in to your membership account at this web site and make changes any time. Your information will be updated immediately.

The system will contact everyone in your list at the same time via SMS text and email.

Yes. When you log into your profile, on your dashboard you will find an "I'm alright" section. When filling in the text box be sure to include any important information such as your location. This way, you can set their minds at ease.